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Accidentally stumbled upon a skill that made my fortune.

I accidentally stumbled upon a skill that made my fortune.

It was the fall of my freshman year of college, and I had just started an internship at a packaging company. My job was to design the packaging for their newest product, but I wasn't sure how to go about it. As I sat at my desk staring at the blank page in front of me, I felt like I was getting nowhere fast—and then it hit me: use what you know!

I remembered that one time when I was making cookies with my mom in our kitchen and she asked me to get her something from out of the pantry. After walking over to where she pointed and opening up the cupboard door, which revealed a mess of ingredients and random household items (including a bottle of shampoo), I realized that this is how most people feel when they open up a pantry or closet full of stuff they never use—like they're lost in their own house!

So what did we do? We cleaned out all those old things we didn't need anymore, got rid of them (or donated them), organized everything else into sections such as "food" and "cleaning supplies," and voila! It made everything easier for us to find what we needed when we needed it

Packaging design is a field that I was introduced to accidentally. I was working on a project for an e-commerce company, and one of the other designers asked me if I could help with some packaging design. I had never done any before, but it was something that interested me, so I jumped at the opportunity.

The result of that project ended up being a huge success for the company and for me personally. After that, my client list got filled up with more companies asking me to work on their packaging designs. This led me to start my own freelance business at where I now charge clients based on the complexity of their projects and how much time they need from me.

I've been designing packaging for a while now. I love it. I love the challenge of taking a product and turning it into something that will sell and be easily recognizable on shelves.

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