Detailed patent search and trademark check specialist


15.00 $ - 75.00 $


3 days


July 17, 2025

Start date:

June 28, 2024

End date:

July 17, 2025


Infringement Check, Intellectual Property, IP Protection, IP Research, IP Strategy, Legal Compliance, Legal Research, Patent analysis, Patent Attorney, Patent Database, Patent documentation, Patent Examination, Patent Filing, Patent Law, Patent Office, Patent Portfolio, Patent Search, Prior art search, Trademark Attorney, Trademark Check, Trademark Filing, Trademark registration, Trademark Search, USPTO, WIPO

We are seeking a highly skilled and meticulous Patent Search and Trademark Check Specialist to join our team. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in conducting comprehensive patent searches and thorough trademark checks. Your primary responsibility will be to ensure that our inventions and brand names are unique and not infringing on existing patents or trademarks. This role is crucial in protecting our intellectual property and maintaining our competitive edge in the market.

Key Responsibilities:
Conduct detailed and exhaustive patent searches to identify existing patents and assess the patentability of new inventions.
Perform thorough trademark checks to ensure that proposed brand names, logos, and slogans do not infringe on existing trademarks.
Analyze and interpret patent and trademark search results to provide clear and actionable insights.
Prepare detailed reports summarizing findings, potential risks, and recommendations for proceeding with patent applications.


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Posted in ,

June 28, 2024